4 Dial Liquid Soaps Reg $2.29 on sale for $1
4 - $.30 off coupons (Tripled)
Paid: $.43
* Their Dial Bar soap is on sale for $1.25, in the Albertson's Big Savings Book there is a $.75 coupon htat can be ued with the $.30 mfg q = FREE plus $.40 overage
My family will not use the bar soap so the hand soap was a better deal for me.
3 Purex Detergent on sale for $2.50 each
2 Springdale Gallon Milk $2.50 each (with additional $10 purchase)
2 Kroger Brand Turkey lunch meat marked down to $1.39
3 - $.35 Purex Detergent Qs (tripled)
Total: $12.49 which I put on the giftcard I got last week for buying Glade products and spent nothing out of pocket
Second Transaction
3 Purex Detergent on sale for $2.50 each
3 Owens Hot Sausage Markdown to $1.99
1 pk Halloween Candy on clearance .75
3 - $.35 Purex Detergent Qs (tripled)
3 - $.35 Owens Sausage Qs (tripled)
Total: $8.72 which I also used my giftcard for so $0 OOP
Could you explain to me about doubling and tripling coupons? I mainly shop at Albertsons and my Kroger store-QFC. I would love to hear your take on all of this!
Hi Jane,
Triples Coupons Valued up $.39
Doubles Coupons Valued $.40 - $.50
Anything over $.50 is taken at face value.
Albertson's will double or triple 4 like coupons.
My Kroger doubles and Triples the same values up to 3 like coupons.
So, that is why I break my shopping trips up into 3 and 4 like items.
So with the dial soap
My coupon that was valued at $.30 was tripled so my reciept shows.
Scanned Coupon $.30
Multiplied Coupon $.60
for each coupon I used.
Krogers receipts would look like:
Scanned Coupon $.30
Bonus Coupon $.60
I hope this helped clarify for you.
Deane, Thank you so much for posting this. But one more thing, do they do it automatically or do I have to ask them? I do a lot of couponing but I have never seen this on my receipt. Thanks again.
The computer does it automatically. To find out if your store double and triples, email corporate and speficially ask about the store in your area, it is really helpful to have the address.
Ok, I will do that, thanks! Jane
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